Johan’s parents visited us recently and we spent last week visiting London. We had a good time sightseeing with them. It would probably take some time for us to get organized and see it all by ourselves. We also had two nights out – we saw Mousetrap by Agatha Christie (which is the longest playing European show – 58 years now) and we went to St. Martin in the Fields Church to Mozart’s Requiem concert.
We went to Hampton Court – the court of Henry VIII. I liked gardens best. We took 2-hour walk – it’s still early spring, so they weren’t in full bloom yet. But there were no crowds yet too.
We visited St. Paul’s Cathedral. Johan and I climbed to dome’s galleries – 528 steps! Unfortunately the weather was foggy, but we enjoyed being up high anyway.
We also went to Garden Museum in which I volunteer. here was a beautiful weather that day, we had a lunch in the garden. I spotted a robin in the bushes and a ladybug on the Tradescant’s grave (famous XVII century gardeners).